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Using Chalkboard Paint Around the House

Easy steps to applying chalkboard paint.

Using mini roller to add chalk paint

Materials Needed

Step 1: Pick a smooth surface, whether you're painting a whole wall or just a section.

Step 2: Use a tape measure to map out the size of your section of chalkboard.

Step 3: Mask off the area surrounding your chalkboard section with FrogTape Painter's Tape.

Step 4: Lightly sand over the section you'll be painting. This will help the chalkboard paint stick.

Step 5: Apply two coats of paint, letting the first coat dry completely before applying the second.

Step 6: While the second coat of paint is still wet, remove the painter's tape.

Step 7: Once the paint is fully dry, prepare it by rubbing a piece of chalk over the entire chalkboard surface.

Enjoy your new chalkboard!

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